The west coast beckoned. As frequently happens with the impending winter, the frosts were coming a little too frequently, and the heat was required a little too often for comfort. It was time to hit the road. We...
I can’t exactly pinpoint when we became hikers. I mean, I’m not sure we’re actually ‘hikers’ in the gear-centric, trekking sense of the word, but we’ve definitely embraced hiking...
We’ve been so touched by the outpouring of support and interest that we’ve received about our road trip through the Balkans. It was an adventure like no other, and we’re still basking in the glow of it all. But...
You’ve probably never heard of Papigo, Greece. Don’t worry. It’s far off the beaten path of Greek tourism. We had never heard of it either. Like many of the best things in life, we stumbled upon it,...
I always figured cruising wasn’t for me. The idea of boarding a massive ship crammed with thousands of people destined for busy European or Caribbean ports has never been appealing to me. I have visited many cities...
There is nothing that puts me in the mood for the holidays more than European Christmas markets. They have been held in cities and villages around Europe for over four hundred years, and are the perfect antidote to a...