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Expat Stories: How to Transfer Money

With our upcoming move to China, we figured we would take a look back at our first expat experience, and revisit a few learning curves that had to endure as we settled into a new country. Hopefully, we can take what we...

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Corners of the Internet #23

I know too much time has passed between these posts when my notes are literally bulging at the seams. I diligently file away interesting articles all the time, but when my links start to bleed into several pages,...

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Ten Years Later

There are a few very clear memories I have of our wedding day. One is the biting flies. The day was beautiful. Picture perfect, always nice for a wedding. I was getting ready in an upstairs room of the Ribault Club...

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We’re Moving To…

We’ve been waiting for months to have news to share over here about the next stop in the wild and crazy adventures of Julie & Drew. And today we can finally (finally!) reveal that we’re moving to...

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10 Things Saving My Life Right Now

As you may have heard, we are in what I like to refer to as ‘fun limbo’ over here these days. You can read all about what’s going on and the dangerous game of waiting for your life to begin in this post from a...

best reads from the internet small keep calm and carry on mug

Corners of the Internet #22

Hello internet! We’re coming to you live this morning from an airport hotel in sunny Miami, Florida. Yes, we are on the move once again, this time to the Caribbean, where we will be stationed for the next two...