July 2017 Month In Review thumbnail

July 2017 Month In Review

We’re back from a short summer break, and what a difference it makes. It’s nice to leave phones and cameras at home, and just hang out. Over the course of a week in the States, I had plenty of time to...

While We’re On Vacation thumbnail

While We’re On Vacation

We realized recently that we’ve never taken an actual vacation from this blog. I’d like to say it’s because we’re inspired all the time and our cups runneth over with things to say. Not so, my...

Corners of the Internet #27 thumbnail

Corners of the Internet #27

We normally save these emails, round-ups of our favorite finds from the internet, for the weekend. There’s something about Friday that just really calls for getting lost down an internet rabbit hole, so to...

month in review: the Shenzhen skyline

June 2017 Month In Review

We’ve never officially climbed on the blogging bandwagon that is the monthly update post. This is probably because I could never quite justify an entire post that mostly included things like ‘worked, went to the...

What’s Saving My Life, Summer 2017 Edition thumbnail

What’s Saving My Life, Summer 2017 Edition

A few months ago, when life felt very uncertain, I took some time to reflect on all the things in my life that were saving my life. They ranged from my weekly family Skype call to my favorite travel dress. Since then,...

Corners of the Internet #26 thumbnail

Corners of the Internet #26

Good morning and 早上好! Today is Friday and it’s been one of those weeks when every day feels like Friday, but then, cruelly, isn’t. I swear, on Tuesday I woke up thinking it was Friday.  But here we...