
Hogging Copenhagen

Copenhagen is amazing. Everyone who has a pulse and enjoys living needs to go. We spent a weekend and could have spent much more time exploring the city. We both agree that it was our best weekend so far. The food,...

relae copenhagen review

Review: Relae, Copenhagen

Copenhagen has developed an international reputation for its cuisine and restaurant culture. At the heart of this is Noma, a two Michelin star restaurant from Rene Redzepi that was voted the Worlds Best Restaurant for...

Cantillon lambic

In Love with Lambic

I am always been interested in beer and beer culture. Living in the UK has certainly accelerated this hobby (if you consider drinking a hobby) since I am drinking far more beer than wine compared to my time in New York...

Brussels palace

Mussels in Brussels

Brussels does not get a lot of love. Boring, uninspired. I understand that being the home of the European Union probably does not help a city’s reputation. Most will agree that there is nothing sexy about EU...

Ringing in 2014 thumbnail

Ringing in 2014

After a wonderful holiday with the Smith family in London, we took a quick New Year trip to Cologne, Germany to ring in 2014 in style.  We chose Cologne because it was quick and inexpensive (frankly, with so many...

Feed Me, Bratislava thumbnail

Feed Me, Bratislava

Our Thanksgiving weekend in the former Central European bloc was not without its share of Thanksgiving-worthy food.  This region is known, in particular, for its lack of veggies.  Well, I’m sure in summer there...