The Birth of a Craft Beer thumbnail

The Birth of a Craft Beer

The process of brewing beer always seemed pretty straight forward to me. There are only four ingredients. Barley, water, hops and yeast. And in theory, it is easy to brew at least in small amounts, like someone making...

The Great American Road Trip: California thumbnail

The Great American Road Trip: California

The adventure begins. We paid dearly for an upgrade on our California-bound flight. Spending 11 hours in a metal tube hurtling through the air is painful no matter where you sit, so when we realized there were two...

Harley Street thumbnail

Harley Street

Harley Street is a truly unique road in London. Walking by, it would appear to be like any of the posh, residential streets in the Central London neighborhood of Marylebone. Historic brick townhouses line the way, and...

Springtime at London’s Markets thumbnail

Springtime at London’s Markets

We like to wax poetic about the fantastic markets in London. They are truly one of the best things about the city and we make a point to visit as many as we can. When spring is springing, the markets come to life...

How to Grill a Steak thumbnail

How to Grill a Steak

After writing about how to cook a steak last month, I received a lot of questions about the technique. The main question that came up was what to do if you want to grill a steak, rather than cook one in a pan on the...

To Basil, on your 10th birthday thumbnail

To Basil, on your 10th birthday

Dear Basil,Today you turn 10. In people years. As we pass this milestone, it seems a good time to reflect back on our adventures together. Having a puppy was one of the hardest things I’ve done. I hated it. You were...