We are Drew and Julie, Americans who have been living abroad since 2013. This website covers 2014-2020, when we lived in London, China and moved to Singapore. We hope this archive of articles is as helpful to you as it has been for us over the years – where did we stay that one time in Switzerland again? What was the best gluten free pizza we ever found in London? This site continues to be a great resource for us, even though we stopped updating it early in the COVID pandemic.
While our travel writing has taken a backseat to jobs and life, our archive is a treasure trove of expat living, travels and lots of visa drama. Join us!

Start Here:
The Best of Life in London – Our Neighborhood, Two Years in London (Part 1, Part 2), Ice Cream, Our Favorite 50 Dishes, Weekends Away, Cocktail Bars, What to Skip
The Best of Life in China – Visa Process (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3), The First Week, Six Months In, One Year In Stories, Disneyland, F1 Racing, Two Years in China
Getting Personal – Packing Up London, Waiting, Life as a Restaurant Guy, In Loving Memory of Basil the Beagle, Making Friends